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Node.js EventLoop, Timers, Promises, Queues



Node.js is an event-based platform. This means that everything that happens in Node is the reaction to an event.
The below diagram denotes a simplified version of Node.js architecture.



libuv is an open-source library written in C. libuv can delegate I/O operations to the OS Kernel, which of course can be multi-threaded. Because of that, Node.js can perform I/O operations in a non-blocking way. When an I/O operation is ended by the OS, it notifies the Event Loop to add an appropriate callback to the queue and Node.js finally executes it. Operating systems provide multi-threaded interfaces for many I/O tasks, but not for all that libuv needed. Whenever possible, libuv will use those multi-threaded interfaces, but there are few tasks that require using of internal libuv's thread pool.

libuv Thread pool

Why? Unlike network I/O, when there are no platform-specific asynchronous interfaces for blocking I/O operations libuv must run those operations inside thread pool. These are the Node.js module APIs that make use of this Worker Pool:

  • File system operations
  • DNS lookup
  • Crypto: crypto.pbkdf2(), crypto.scrypt(), crypto.randomBytes(), crypto.randomFill(), crypto.generateKeyPair()
  • Zlib: All zlib APIs

Thread pool default size is 4, but it can be changed at startup time by setting the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable to any value (the absolute maximum is 1024).


V8 is Google’s open-source JavaScript engine, written in C++. V8 directly translates JavaScript code into efficient machine code using JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler instead of using an interpreter.

Event Loop

The Event Loop lives inside libuv and it allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations, by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible. The Event Loop will go through a phase, execute the callbacks related to that phase, and then move to the next one.
Each phase has a callback queue. Depending on the task, it will send it to the corresponding queue. Between each run of the Event Loop, Node.js checks if it is waiting for any asynchronous I/O or timers and shuts down cleanly if there are not any.

Event Loop: Phases

timers: Executes callbacks scheduled by setTimeout() and setInterval().
pending callbacks: Executes callbacks for some system operations e.g. TCP errors.
idle, prepare: Only used internally in Libuv.
poll: Event Loop Retrieve new I/O events, execute I/O related callbacks (almost all except for close callbacks, the ones scheduled by timers, and setImmediate()).
check: Execute setImmediate() callbacks.
close callbacks: Execute close callbacks, e.g. socket.on('close', ...).

┌─>│           timers          │
│  └─────────────┬─────────────┘
│  ┌─────────────┴─────────────┐
│  │     pending callbacks     │
│  └─────────────┬─────────────┘
│  ┌─────────────┴─────────────┐
│  │       idle, prepare       │
│  └─────────────┬─────────────┘      ┌───────────────┐
│  ┌─────────────┴─────────────┐      │   incoming:│  │           poll            │<─────┤  connections,│  └─────────────┬─────────────┘      │   data, etc.  
│  ┌─────────────┴─────────────┐      └───────────────┘
│  │           check           │
│  └─────────────┬─────────────┘
│  ┌─────────────┴─────────────┐
└──┤      close callbacks      │

Event Loop: Phases: In Detail

Each phase is a queue, so callbacks are executed in FIFO order. If Event loop in working inside some phase, it will execute callbacks until the current queue is empty or the maximum number of callbacks are reached. And only after that event loop will move to the next phase. Event loop offload operation to the system kernel (most kernels are multi-threaded) -> operation completes -> kernel tells Node.js so that the appropriate callback may be added to the poll queue


A timer specifies approximate number of milliseconds after which a provided callback may be executed - not the exact time.

poll queue

  1. First when Event Loop is inside the poll queue it first checks if there are any immediate callbacks, if yes - then Event Loop proceeds to the check phase.
  2. Poll queue is empty:
    • The poll phase waits for any pending I/O events to complete, then executes their callbacks immediately.
    • When the poll phase becomes idle and there is a callback that has been scheduled using setImmediate(), the Event Loop will enter the check phase instead of waiting for new I/O events.
  3. Poll queue isn't empty:
    • Event Loop will execute each callback inside the queue - synchronously, until either the queue is empty, or the system-dependent hard limit is reached.


In this phase, callbacks scheduled using setImmediate() are executed - not the timer phase.


The main advantage to using setImmediate() over setTimeout() is setImmediate() will always be executed before any timers if scheduled within an I/O cycle, no matter of how many timers are present.

 * The order of this block depends on the system workload, which could be different for every execution
setImmediate(() => console.log('Immediate'))
setTimeout(() => console.log('Timeout'))
 * In the below examples setImmediate always gonna be executed before setTimeout

// Example #1
setTimeout(() => {
  // setTimeout inside I/O cycle always gonna be executed after setImmediate
  setTimeout(() => console.log('timeout #1'));
  // setImmediate inside callbacks always gonna be executed before setTimeout
  setImmediate(() => console.log('immediate #1'));

// Example #2
fs.readFile('./big.db', () => {
  setTimeout(() => console.log('timeout #2'));
  // Gonna be executed before setTimeout always!!!
  setImmediate(() => console.log('immediate #2'));


Every time the event loop takes a full trip, we call it a tick. Callback that was passed to process.nextTick(), gonna be executed right after the current operation ends - regardless of the current phase of the Event Loop. Using process.nextTick() helps process a function asynchronously as soon as possible.

setImmediate(() => console.log('Immediate'));
setTimeout(() => console.log('Timeout'));
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('Promise'));
process.nextTick(() => console.log('process.nextTick'));

Microtask, Macrotask queues, and process.nextTick queue

What the differences between setImmediate, setTimeout(cb, 0), process.nextTick()vs Promise.then()?

  1. Callback passed to the process.nextTick() will always be executed before setTimeout and setImmediate, because it gonna be executed right after the current operation ends - in the current iteration of the Event Loop.
  2. Callback passed to the setImmediate() will be executed in the next iteration of the Event Loop.
  3. Callback with a 0ms delay in setTimeout() is very similar to setImmediate(). The execution order will depend on different factors, but they will be both run in the next iteration of the Event Loop.

To what queues does each callback belong?

  • A Promise.then() callback is added to promises microtask queue.
  • A process.nextTick callback is added to process.nextTick queue.
  • A setTimeout, callback is added to timers queue.
  • A setImmediate, callback is added to check queue.

Order of execution:
Event loop executes tasks in next order: microtask queue -> process.nextTick queue -> check queue -> timers queue.


const run = () => {
    console.log("start");                                             // 1
    setTimeout(() => console.log("Timeout"));                         // 6
    setImmediate(() => console.log("Immediate"));                     // 5 

    new Promise((resolve) => {
    }).then((text) => {
      process.nextTick(() => console.log("process.nextTick #0"));     // 4
      console.log(text);                                              // 2                                       

    process.nextTick(() => console.log("process.nextTick #1"));       // 3
// start, Promise, process.nextTick #1, process.nextTick #0, Immediate, Timeout

Work is gonna look like this:

  1. event Loop will first call console.log("start")
  2. adds cb from setTimeout to the timers queue
  3. adds cb from setImmediate to the check queue
  4. execute body of the new Promise() synchronously
  5. adds cb from new Promise to the microtask queue
  6. adds cb from process.nextTick(#1); to the process.nextTick queue
  7. execute microtask queue promiseCallback - remember it has highest priority
  8. adds cb from process.nextTick(#0); to the process.nextTick queue
  9. since microtask queue is empty execute process.nextTick queue in FIFO order: nextTickCallback(#1), nextTickCallback(#0)
  10. execute check queueimmediateCallback

Starting with node v11, nextTick queue callbacks and microtasks will run between each individual setTimeout and setImmediate callbacks, even if the timers queue or the check queue is not empty. Check the example below. This was done to improve the performance of promise-related code as promises became more of a central part of the Node.js architecture for asynchronous operations.

setImmediate(() => console.log('timeout1'));            // 1
setImmediate(() => {
    console.log('timeout2')                             // 2
    process.nextTick(() => console.log('next tick'))    // 3  
setImmediate(() => console.log('timeout3'));            // 4
setImmediate(() => console.log('timeout4'));            // 5

// timeout1, timeout2, next tick, timeout3, timeout4

Promises have their own special treatment. Microtask queue runs a lot more often than other queues even compared to the nextTick queue. Check the example below:

process.nextTick(() => console.log(1));                 // 5
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(2));           // 1
    .then(() => {
        console.log(3);                                 // 2
        process.nextTick(() => console.log(4));         // 6
        Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(5));   // 3
    .then(() => {
        console.log(6);                                 // 4

// 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4

Thank you for reading, I hope that this post was useful for you.