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Node.js CPU intensive operations


Node.js model

Node.js programming model is a single-threaded event loop that has access to asynchronous operations with the help of libuv. And libuv allows Node.js to perform asynchronous operations that use native OS interfaces, which are most of the time asynchronous by default. Node.js programming model is not a product of JavaScript the language itself. It's a product of how JavaScript is deployed in popular environments like Node.js and browsers etc.


What are WorkerThreads?

The worker_threads module enables the use of threads that execute JavaScript in parallel. WorkerThreads are more heavyweight than an OS-level thread. When you create a new Worker using worker_threads module Node.js fires up a new JavaScript VM, initializes a new global context, sets up a new heap, starts up a new garbage collector, allocates memory, etc... In Node.js, memory updated in one thread will not be visible to the others (variables set on one side aren't visible to the other). To share memory between main thread and workers you can use a SharedArrayBuffer to share memory between the threads.

When WorkerThreads are useful?

worker_threads is useful when you want to perform CPU-intensive tasks in your Node.js application. The idea behind WorkerThreads is that they are useful for getting CPU-intensive code out of your main Event Loop (particularly useful for servers) so you can fire up one or more WorkerThreads to handle CPU-intensive work and keep the main thread Event Loop free and responsive to incoming events/networking and so on.

What is the difference between cluster and WorkerThreads in Node.js?

cluster module allows you to run multiple instances of Node.js in separate processes, while the worker_thread module allows you to run multiple instances of Node.js in the same process.

Useful features of WorkerThreads?

SharedArrayBuffer - lets you share memory between threads (limited to binary data).
Atomics - an atomic operation is a single, indivisible action that is performed on data.
MessageChannel - represents an asynchronous, two-way communications channel used for communicating between threads.
WorkerData - used to pass startup data to WorkerThread.

CPU intensive task

This example shows us how to divide big jobs (in this case count to the 1e10 number) into smaller parallel chunks of work. The most simple and straightforward example is to count to some big number. We are going to use Node.js WorkerThreads module and Go goroutine functions. Goroutines provide the simplest way to achieve concurrency and incredible performance baked in Go language. It isn't Node.js vs Go comparison, it's a known fact that Node.js is not good at CPU intensive tasks.

Node.js WorkerThreads example

const { Worker, threadId, parentPort, isMainThread } = require("worker_threads");
What data type to use?
    It is always nice to think about memory consumption, 
    since WorkerThreads are fatty ones we wanna use as little memory as possible,
    but not in our case, since we are going to manipulate big numbers

    Int8Array   - from -127 to 127      - to small
    Uint8Array  - from 0 to 255         - to small
    Uint16Array - from 0 to 65535       - to small
    Uint32Array - from 0 to 4294967295  - the most suitable

const WORKER_AMOUNT = 4;
const EXPECTED_RESULT = 1e10;
const WORKER_FILE = "./worker.js";

// Allocate memory for ${WORKER_AMOUNT} integers
const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * WORKER_AMOUNT);
const arr = new Uint32Array(sab);
let t0;

for (let i = 0; i < WORKER_AMOUNT; i++) {
    const worker = new Worker(WORKER_FILE, {

    worker.on("online", () => {
        if (!t0) t0 = performance.now();

    worker.on("message", (msg) => {
        if (msg.type === MESSAGE_TYPES.WORKER_JOB_DONE && arr.every(Boolean)) {
    // Share data between workers
    worker.postMessage({ type: MESSAGE_TYPES.INIT_WORKER, data: arr });

const handleResult = () => {
    const t1 = performance.now() - t0;
    const result = arr.reduce((acc, v) => (acc += v), 0);
        `To count to the ${EXPECTED_RESULT} took: ${t1 / 1000}s`

worker.js file
We are using threadId here to avoid race conditions. Each thread has its own slot inside shared memory interface.

const { parentPort, workerData, threadId } = require("worker_threads");


const workerRunJob = () => {
    let cnt = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < maxValue; i++) {
    return cnt;

parentPort.on("message", (msg) => {
    if (msg.type === MESSAGE_TYPES.INIT_WORKER) {
        // Set data to the SharedArrayBuffer
	    // `threadId` to avoid race conditions. 
        msg.data[threadId - 1] = workerRunJob();
        // Post message about SharedArrayBuffer was updated.
        parentPort.postMessage({ type: MESSAGE_TYPES.WORKER_JOB_DONE });

Go and goroutines

A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime they are functions and methods that run concurrently with other functions and methods. Goroutines run in the same address space, so access to shared memory must be synchronized. Equivalent example in Go is much more simple and easy to follow.

package example

import (

const GOROUTINE_AMOUNT int = 4
const EXPECTED_RESULT int = 1e10

var data_store [GOROUTINE_AMOUNT]int
var wg sync.WaitGroup

func routine(i int) {
	defer wg.Done()

	var count int = 0

	for i := 0; i < maxValue; i++ {
	data_store[i] = count

func ExampleGoroutine() {
	t0 := time.Now()
	for i := 0; i < GOROUTINE_AMOUNT; i++ {
		go routine(i)

	t1 := time.Since(t0)
	result := getSum(&data_store)

	fmt.Printf("\nTo count to the %v took: %v", 
        EXPECTED_RESULT, t1)

// helper func to sum up numbers in array
func getSum(arr *[GOROUTINE_AMOUNT]int) int {
	result := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
		result = result + arr[i]
	return result

And that is it, just import example in your main.go and run using go run main.go command.

package main

import (

func main() {


In order to test we must have some AWS EC2 instance with at least 2 physical core and 4 logical ones. And at least 8 GB of RAM.
But since the author of this article is poor (not cheap) who can only afford Free Tire instance. But due to Free Tire generosity we can't use this mega machine 😭.


So we are going to use local PC 🥳, I know that those results can't be precise and gonna be dependent on staff that currently running on local pc with and so on... But it's the only choice for those examples.
Spec: i5-1135G7 CPU @ 4.20GHz and 16GB of RAM.

Node.js results

    #1 To count to the 10000000000 took: 6.796850600000471s
    #2 To count to the 10000000000 took: 6.79258940000087s
    #3 To count to the 10000000000 took: 6.88838369999826s
    #4 To count to the 10000000000 took: 6.807960499998182s

Go results

    #1 To count to the 10000000000 took: 2.1970919s
    #2 To count to the 10000000000 took: 2.2326607s
    #3 To count to the 10000000000 took: 2.3754543s
    #4 To count to the 10000000000 took: 2.2233289s

As may be expected for CPU bound tasks - Go may be considered a better solution Node.js.

Accessing variable in global scope

While working on Node.js example, I've noticed that frequent accessing of a variable outside of its local scope could have huge impact on performance while using V8.

Accessing variables in local scope.

function run() {
    const RESULT = 1e9;
    let cnt = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < RESULT; i++) {

const t0 = performance.now();
console.log(performance.now() - t0); // 723.72

Accessing variables outside of local scope.

const RESULT = 1e9;
let cnt = 0;

function run() {
    for (let i = 0; i < RESULT; i++) {

const t0 = performance.now();
console.log(performance.now() - t0); // 3631.19

Local variables are much much more efficient. As may be seen using local variable job took: 723.72ms, but with the global ones the same job took: 3631.19ms, which is 5x slower.
But why?


The smaller the scope, the better. The explanation is that variables should live in the smallest scope possible. The variable in the global namespace will have much poorer performance. A variable in the global namespace could potentially be changed by something external, forcing the interpreter to reload the value each time through the loop. Using a local variable, the JIT engine can optimize the loop down to a few machine cycles per iteration.

Thank you for reading, I hope that this post was useful for you.🙏